MC-08-08-2018 Additional Guidelines for the Evaluation of New CATV Applications
MC-07-08-2018 Further Amending MC No. 03-03-2005, Rules and Regulations on Broadcast Messaging Service
MC-01-02-2018 Implementing Rules and Regulations of Memorandum Circular No. 04-06-2016 RE: Re-allocation of the 470-512 MHz Band for Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) Service in the Philippines
MC-02-04-2017 Allowing the use of unassigned and unused allocated TV broadcast Channels (TV White Space) on Secondary and Non-Interference Basis
MC-01-03-2017 Amending Certain Provisions of Section 2 of NTC Memorandum Circular No. 02-03-2016 (Sale and Labeling of ISDB-T Receivers)
MC 04-06-2016 Re-allocation of the 470-512 Mhz band for Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting Service in the Philippines
MC 02-03-2016 Sale and Labeling of ISDB-T Receivers
MC 02-03-2016A Sale and Labeling of ISDB-T Receivers Annex A
MC 07-12-2014 Rules and Regulations for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Broadcast Service
MC 05-11-2013 Standard for digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Broadcast Service
MC 04-10-2013 IRR on Republic Act 10515 or the Anti-Cable Television and Cable Internet Tapping Act of 2013
MC 04-11-2012 Temporary Suspension of issuance of TVRO License (C-TVRO) to Hotels, Resorts and Multi-Dwelling Units (MDU)
MC 02-06-2010 Standard for Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) Broadcast Service
MC 07-11-2008 Amending and/or modifying MC 04-06-2008 enjoining Radio & Television (TV) stations, Cable Telvision (CATV) facilities compliance with DO 5 series of 1948 and DO 88 series of 1973 for the purpose of clarifying certain policy issues with respect to the employment of licensed radio operators/technicians
MC 05-06-2008 Amending Memorandum Circular No. 11-09-2004 (Mandatory Taping of Radio and Television Programs)
MC 04-06-2008 Enjoining Radio & Television (TV) Stations & Cable Television (CATV) Facilities' Compliance with Department Order No. 5 Series of 1948 and Department Order No. 88 series of 1973
MC 11-11-2007 Guidelines for the operation of Digital FM Radio Broadcast
MC 02-06-2006 Guidelines for the grant and authorization of 500 Watt FM Broadcast Stations
MC 01-03-2006 Program Standards for Radio and TV Broadcast and Cable TV stations
MC 10-11-2005 Guidelines on the cablecasting of CATV channels with "Chatroom" formats
MC 08-11-2005 Reiterating Strict Compliance with Executive Order No. 255 dated July 25, 1987
MC 11-11-2005 Guidelines for sharing / Consolidation of Head-End Facilities of Cable Television Stations
MC 04-07-2005 Extension of the UHF TV Broadcast Band
MC 11-09-2004 Mandatory Taping of Radio and Television Programs
MC 10-10-2003 Implementing Rules and Regulations Governing Community Antenna/Cable Television (CATV) and Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) Services to Promote Competition in the Sector
MC 10-11-2001 Extension of FM Broadcast Band
MC 01-01-2001 Reiteration of MC 11-12-85 RE: Program Standards
MC 14-10-98 Guidelines in the Renewal/Extension of Temporary Permit of Radio/TV Broadcast Operators who failed to secure a legeslative Franchise Conformably with the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Dated May 3, 1994 entered into by and between the National Telecommunications and the Committee on Legislative Franchises, House of Representative, and the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP)
MC 19-11-94 Renewl of Provisional Authorizations to Operate and Maintain CATV Systems
MC 15-09-94 Setting Certain Procedures in the Application for increase of the number of channels to be offered by Cable Television Station
MC 10-04-94 Setting Certain Non-Exclusive Criteria in the Application for Certificate of Authority to Operate Cable Television System
MC  05-02-94 Registration and Licensing of all Television Receive Only (TVRO) Station
MC 10-07-93 Implementing Guidelines on the Domestic Satellite Communications Policy
MC 02-01-93 Rules and Regulations Governing the Registration and Licensing of Satellite Television Receive Only (TVRO) Stations in the Philippines
MC 14-09-92 Rules and Regulations Governing the Registration and Licensing of Satellite Television Receive only (TVRO) Stations in the Philippines
MC 04-08-88 Revised Rules and Regulations Governing Cable Television System in the Philippines
MC 04-07-88 Implementing Rules and Regulations Requiring All Radio Stations to broadcast a minimum of four original pilipino musical compilation (OPM) in every clockhour
MC 11-12-85 Revision of MC 03-04-85 RE: Program Standards
MC 03-04-85 Promulgation of Technical and Program Standards in the Operation of Radio and TV Broadcast Station
MC 7 Procedure In The Purchase, Sale, Supply Or Grinding Of Crystals
MC 6 Submission Of List Of End-Users And Report Of Compliance To Directive To Revert To Assigned Frequencies