MC-06-12-2019 Guidelines for the Issuance of Temporary Permit to Operate Ship Station of Newly Acquired Philippine Registered Ships Engaged in International Trade
MC-05-12-2019 Amendments to Section II.A.3, Section II.A.4 and Section II.C of Memorandum Circular 4-2-92, “Amendments to 1974 Safety of Life at Sea Convention (MC 2-2-82) concerning Radio Communications for the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
MC-04-12-2019 Guidelines for the Issuance of Deletion Certificate for the Recall of Ship/Ship Earth Station Licenses and/or Certificates of Philippine Registered Ships
MC DRAFT Guidelines for the Accreditation Recognized Organization (Classification Society) and the Issuance of Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate for Philippine Registered Ships Engaged in international Voyages
MO-03-09-2018 Advisory Regarding the Migration of the Recognized Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) Services from Inmarsat-3 (I-3) to Inmarsat-4 (I-4) Satellites
MO-02-02-2017 IMO MSC.1/Circ.1460/Rev.1 – Guidance on the Validity of Radiocommunications Equipment Installed and Used on Ships
STCW 2016-17 Mandatory Minimum Requirements for Examination, Assessment, Issuance and Revalidation of GMDSS Radio Operator Certificate
MC 08-08-2016 Adoption and Implementation of Annex 2, Appendix 17 (Rev. WRC-12) of Radio Regulations Concerning Frequencies and Channeling Arrangements in the High Frequency Bands for the Maritime Service
DRAFT MC Amendment to MC No. 4-09-88, "Prescribed Equipment for Ship Stations of Various Vessels Plying Domestic Routes and other Requirements" and Prescribing the Required Radio Operators Thereof
MC 05-07-2016 Suspension of the Implementation of Memorandum Circular No. 03-06-2016
MC 03-06-2016 Amendment to MC No. 4-09-88, "Prescribed Equipment for Ship Stations of Various Vessels Plying Domestic Routes and other Requirements" and Prescribing the Required Radio Operators Thereof
MC 01-02-2015 Guidelines for the Acceptance of Application for Global Maritime Distress and SafetySystem (GMDSS) Radio Operator Examination
MC 09-09-2004 Guidelines for the implementation of SOLAS Convention amendment requiring Automatic Identification System (AIS) and International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS)
MC 05-06-2004 Guidelines for the Grant of Authorization of Accounting Authorities in the Maritime Mobile Service
MC 08-12-2009 "Supplementing the NTC MC 10-09-2004, Prescribing Guidelines for the Special Registration of Unregistered Radio Transceiivers on Board Commercial Fishing Vessels Weighing 3.1 gross tons and above
MC 07-12-2009 Amending MC 16-89A "Guidelines and Procedures for Issuance of Special Radiotelephone Operator's Permit for Fishing Vessels (SROP-FV) without the need of Examination, To Qualified Applicants"
MC 06-12-2009 Guidelines in the Issuance of New/Revalidation of Certificate of Competency for General Operator Certificate
MC 02-04-2009 Guidelines for the Recognition of GMDSS Radio Certificates issued by or under the Authority of Another Party in accordance with Regulation 1/10 of the STCW Convention
MC 01-01-2009 Guidelines for the Licensing of Shipborne Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) Equipment
MC 10-09-2004 Prescribing Guidelines for the Special Registration of Unregistered Radio transceivers onboard commercial fishing vessels of 3.1 gross tonnage and above
MC 06-07-2004 Installation and Operation of Public Coast Stations
MC 13-09-2002 Amending MC 01-01-2002 on the Mandatory Installation of NAVTEX Receiver and Satellite EPIRB to certain categories of Philippine registered vessels engaged in the coastwise trade
MC 01-01-02 Mandatory Installation of NAVTEX receiver and satellite EPIRB as additional Navigational Aids Equipment of Ship Radio Stations engaged in coastwise trade
MC 08-03-2000 Form of Safety Radio Certificate for Cargo Ships
MC 07-03-2000 Rules and Regulations Governing Shored-Based Maintenance
MC 05-03-2000 Guidelines on Annual Testing of 406 MHz Satellite Emergency Positioning Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
MC 04-03-2000 Guidelines on the Configuration of the Reserve Source or Sources of Energy used to supply Radio Installations on GMDSS Ships
MC 08-04-99 GMDSS Equipment Maintenance Requirements
MC 06-04-99 Qualifications and Number of Radio Personnel Required On-Board Philippines Registered GMDSS Vessels
MC-04-02-92 Amendments to the 1974 Safety of life at sea convention (MC 02-02-82) concerning radiocommunications for the global maritime distress and safety system.
MC 16-89A Guidelines and Procedures for issuance of Special Radiotelephone Operator's Permit for fishing vessels (SROP-FV),without examination to qualified Applicants
MC 11-24-88 Amending MC 04-09-88, Series of 1988
MC 04-09-88 Prescribed Equipment for Ship Stations of Various Vessels Plying Domestic Routes and Other Requirements
MC 02-02-82 Implementation of SOLAS 1974
MC 01-01-82 Final Extension of the Deadline Set Under MC 05-02-81 for all Fishing Boats to be provided with VHF Equipment
MC 05-02-81 Re-extending the Deadline set under MC 08-10-81 For all vessels to be provided with VHF Equipment
MC 1 Issuance Of Ship Radio Clearance By The Radio Control Office